Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Computer Privacy

Computer Privacy

Computer privacy has become a huge concern as we increasingly use portable computers and share public computers or Internet access points for personal and business purposes. Work away from the office policies have allowed employees to take their portable computers out of the office. This computer portability along with the availability of public computers and Internet access points are increasing the risks of computer privacy which we will discuss.

As computer portability made life convenient, it also presented certain privacy risks. Students, entrepreneurs and others like me who perform best when they are not alone excitedly took their computers to public places like the coffee shops or libraries to work on their projects and then came the Internet which made computer privacy even worse. With portable devices, we had to first worry about people around us being able to see our information as we worked on our projects, and now stolen laptops and data storage devices are also being publicized as companies store millions of customer and employee numbers on their portable devices causing computer privacy concerns.

As the Internet gained global acceptance to connect us all while we slowly come to understand and accept the computer privacy risks, more businesses concerned with profit margins feel the need to cut rent and office costs allowing their employees to telecommute or forcing them to share office space with their colleagues raising additional computer and desk privacy concerns. Both telecommuting and office sharing increase the risk of privacy disclosure especially when telecommuting is from internet enabled coffee shops and other public places to access company systems and information. Let's not forget the fact that some employees access their corporate information using non-company devices especially public computers in airports and other public places which is even worse because of the complete lack of knowledge about the security controls of the computers used. In such cases, the privacy of our credentials to access the business systems is also at risk potentially leading to unauthorized disclosure and access to company information.

In dealing with laptop privacy, awareness is very important which means that we have to assume that although most people are trustworthy and would never look at a stranger’s computer screen, some people might actually be targeting our information. In fact, I always try my best to avoid accessing my bank account and other sensitive personal accounts from non-personal computers because I’m worried about spyware that might collect my personal information. On the other hand, even if I’m just working on projects or accessing less sensitive accounts such as my email accounts using my own computer, I’m still worried about someone noticing my ID and password as I type them on my computer screen. A couple of solutions for such cases is to sit at a location where no one can seat behind us and use a device privacy screen filter. A computer privacy filter actually prevents someone from looking at the information on your computer screen while you type or view them unless they are sitting exactly where you are, in front of the computer in order to see what you see. Screen privacy filters have additional benefits such as glare reduction and computer screen protection against scratches and fingerprints.

In summary, if you work out of coffee shops, try to secure the most private spot which does not allow others to sit right behind you. Always use trusted computers and Internet access points as much as possible,and, use a computer screen privacy filter to prevent side views. It's not always possible to use fully trusted computers for variety of reasons, but, we can always assess the risk level of the devices and locations we use to selectively access confidential information. And last but not least, avoid placing huge files containing personal information on your portable devices to reduce the risk of theft or loss, unless, you protect the computer and its data through encryption and other means.

By Henry Bagdasarian

Computers Challenge Freedom of Information Act

With the Government's continuing shift to storing information in computers, the public faces new obstacles when seeking access to Federal documents, a growing number of legal scholars and lawyers say.

These experts and some public interest groups say the creation of vast storehouses of electronic data is undermining the original intent of the Freedom of Information Act, which does not mention computer records. Their main argument is that a lack of adequate guidelines about computerized information allows Government officials too much latitude in responding to requests for information.

Computerization has even raised disputes about what constitutes a Federal record. That is an issue in a lawsuit three public interest groups brought under the Freedom of Information Act in January. The groups obtained a temporary restraining order that prevented the Bush White House from erasing the Reagan Administration's electronic messages on the computerized mail system used by the White House and the National Security Council. Government lawyers argued that those messages ''do not rise'' to the level of being Government records. 'No Man's Land' of Information

Alan Westin, a computer expert at Columbia University, says the problem is that the Government's expanded use of computers in the last two decades has leapfrogged laws intended for a world in which all Federal records were on paper. Now with data bases, electronically stored information can be instantaneously sorted and retrieved, or even destroyed, with just a few strokes on a computer keyboard.

In brief

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities.
It does this in two ways:
  • public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and
  • members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities.
The Act covers any recorded information that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and by UK-wide public authorities based in Scotland. Information held by Scottish public authorities is covered by Scotland’s own Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
Public authorities include government departments, local authorities, the NHS, state schools and police forces. However, the Act does not necessarily cover every organisation that receives public money. For example, it does not cover some charities that receive grants and certain private sector organisations that perform public functions.
Recorded information includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, and sound or video recordings.
The Act does not give people access to their own personal data (information about themselves) such as their health records or credit reference file. If a member of the public wants to see information that a public authority holds about them, they should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Computer Communications and Freedom of Expression

Freedom of information, speech and the press is firmly rooted in the structures of modern western democratic thought.  With limited restrictions, every capitalist democracy has legal provisions protecting these rights.  Even the UN Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the general assembly in 1948 declares "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" (although as Article 19, it comes after the right to hold property, be married and hold a nationality, among others).  As such, western ethics heavily favor the nearly unfettered rights to speech, press and information.  Such rights might be tailored to protect state security from a Lockesian social contract perspective, but a Kantian categorical outlook surely provides for a society in which everyone can speak freely is better to one in which no one can speak freely.

Communism, as a primarily economic system, is much quieter on the issue of individual human rights. Two conflicting positions on these freedoms arise with analysis of communist theory.  The first is an argument against individual freedoms.  In a communist society, the individual's best interests are indistinguishable from the society's best interest.  Thus, the idea of an individual freedom is incompatible with a communist ideology.  The only reason to hold individual speech and information rights would be to better the society, a condition which would likely be met only in certain instances rather than across time, making the default a lack of freedom.

On the other hand, the idea of perfect equality in communism argues for a right of expression and press.  Since each individual is equally important, each should have an equally valid point of view.  Indeed, Marx defended the right to a freedom of the press, arguing in 1842 that restrictions, like censorship were instituted by the bourgeois elite.  He claimed censorship is a tool of the powerful to oppress the powerless.

Indeed, many implementations of communism favored a constitutional democracy, albeit usually with only one party.  Before and at the creation of many communist countries, a desire for freedom from the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeois translated into strongly voiced support for individual freedoms for speech, dissent and information.  Chairman Mao, in encouraging his countrymen to prepare for WWII more than a decade before he came to power, proclaimed "[the people] should subject ... the party in power, to severe criticism, and press and impel it to give up its one-party, one-class dictatorship and act according to the opinions of the people....The second matter concerns freedom of speech, assembly and association for the people. Without such freedom, it will be impossible to carry out the democratic reconstruction of the political system."  In 1945, closer yet to his assumption of power, Mao proclaimed, "Two principles must be observed: (1) say all you know and say it without reserve; (2) Don't blame the speaker but take his words as a warning.  Unless the principle of 'Don't blame the speaker" is observed genuinely and not falsely, the result will not be 'Say all you know and say it without reserve."  More striking still is the fact that this latter quote is recorded in "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung," more commonly known as the Little Red Book, a veritable bible of Chinese communism considered infallible during Mao's lifetime.
Thus, on the balance, it seems communist theory is compatible with freedoms of speech, information and protest, but it is far from a fundamental right such as it is under democracy and individual-centered ethics systems like that of Kant and Locke.  Freedom of information should only be granted when communist society as a whole is likely to benefit.  In this light, it makes much more sense that communist leaders, while still a persecuted opposition philosophy, would strongly support speech rights and later reject them when communism becomes the ruling system.  At that point, access to oppositional speech and information is no longer beneficial to the communist state, and thus no longer needed in communist philosophy.

Controlling Access to the Internet:
The Role of Filtering

Controlling access to the Internet by means of filtering software has become a
growth industry in the U.S. and elsewhere. Its use has increased as the mandatory
response to the current plagues of society, namely, pornography, violence, hate, and
in general, anything seen to be unpleasant or threatening. Also of potential concern
is the possible limitation of access to Web sites that discuss drugs, without
distinguishing advocacy from scientific and informed analysis of addiction. With the
rise of an effective creationist movement dedicated to the elimination of
evolutionary theory in the curriculum, it is to be expected that attempts will be made
to limit access to sites presenting such theories, in certain jurisdictions in the U.S.
The current preferred method of choice to limit access is to filter content either by
blocking access to specific Web sites, referred to by their URLs, or by using a large
set of keywords to prevent accessing sites that contain one or more of these words.
Another more insidious scheme is to encourage or even require every Web site to
rate its content along a number of dimensions, including violence, language, sexual
explicitness, and nudity. Then individual browsers can be programmed to return
references only to those sites that fall below a pre-specified profile. The dangers for
free speech inherent in such schemes will be discussed. Efforts to produce
legislation in the U.S. to mandate the use of filtering or rating programs will be

described, as will some recent court decisions involving their use in libraries.

Free Speech, Filters, Internet, Libraries, Ethics, United States

Controlling access to the Internet by means of filtering software has become a
growth industry in the U.S. and elsewhere. Its use has increased as the mandatory
response to the current plagues of society, namely, pornography, violence, hate, andin general, anything seen to be unpleasant or threatening. On the legislative agenda
is the limitation of access to any Web sites that discuss drugs, without
distinguishing advocacy from scientific and informed analysis of addiction.
(Pending Bills, 2000) With the rise of an effective creationist movement dedicated
to the elimination of evolutionary theory in the curriculum, it is to be expected that
attempts will be made to limit access to sites presenting scientific evolutionary
theory, in certain jurisdictions in the U.S.
In this paper, the various strategies incorporated within current filtering programs
are briefly described as well as the apparent content issues on the Internet that
motivate their use both in private and public contexts. Underlying this motivation is
a mixture of political and social pressures to take action against real and perceived
problematic Internet content. This motivation has manifested itself in proposed and
enacted legislation and also a number of lawsuits. Some of these are reviewed and
serve to support the present viewpoint against the mandatory use of filtering
programs in libraries and community centers among other public places. My focus
is on the U.S. because the issues of concern are the subject of legislative actions and
are topics of widespread analysis and debate. In another paper on filtering,
(Rosenberg, 1999) the focus was placed on how librarians deal with their
professional responsibility to provide open access to information as well as their
social responsibility to the members of their community, young and old alike. The
players are many and varied - concerned individuals and families, librarians, library
and school boards, state legislators, judges, congressman, senators, religious groups,
civil liberties groups, Internet advocates, and of course the media - and their motives
are not always transparent. As with many other issues that mingle politics and
morality, the story of filtering is both new and somewhat familiar.
To fully appreciate the magnitude of the problem facing those who wish to
regulate the World Wide Web, its current size (roughly) and its growth rate (also
roughly) should be known. Fortunately, recent statistics are available from the
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center), a research organization that aims to
“further (the public's) access to the world's information and reduce information
costs.” OCLC reported results of its June 1999 survey during September 1999 (June
1999 Web Statistics, 1999). The total number of unique Web sites was estimated as
almost 3.7 million, with almost 2.23 million being public, 389,000 private and just
over a million provisional. These numbers are estimated to vary in accuracy
between +/- 3% to +/- 10%. The public sites were estimated to contain almost 290
million pages (+/- 35%). The rate of growth of unique public sites is quite large:
179% between 1997 and 1999. The Web is very large and getting larger at a high
rate. This growth rate raises many issues of access because to be accessible by
search engines, pages must be scanned and catalogued as they come online.
There is, however, no consensus on Web statistics. In a famous paper published
in Nature, (Lawrence and Lee, 1999), the number of public Web sites, as of
February 1999, was estimated to be 2.8 million. The number of indexable pages was
estimated as 800 million, more than two and one-half times the figure given above.
The results are based on a complete examination of the first 2,500 random web
servers discovered. In addition, Lawrence and Lee manually classified the contentof these servers and reported that “about 83% of servers contain commercial content
(for example, company home pages).” The remaining 17% is made up of
scientific/education (6%), pornography (1.5%), government (1.2%), health (2.8%),
personal (2.3%), community (1.4%), religion (.8%), and societies (2%). Note that
some sites have multiple classifications. No criteria are given for these categories,
except for scientific/education. Based on this paper, there are 1.5 million
pornographic pages, although the defining terms are unknown. Depending on one's
point of view, this is a large number or a small one.
In the next section, various concerns related to the use of filtering and blocking
strategies will be described and discussed, as well as the different strategies
employed in their use. In the section on legal and legislative consideration, the
current state of the law in the U.S. is discussed and a number of pending bills in the
U.S. Congress designed to mandate filtering in public libraries and schools are
described. Finally, the position taken in this paper is summarized and supporters of
free speech and open inquiry are urged to renew their efforts to defend these

Anonymity on the Internet

Types of Anonymity

In this paper, the word "message" is used to designate any communication unit (e-mail, newsgroup article, web page, pamphlet, book, rumour, etc.) 
Anonymity means that the real author of a message is not shown. Anonymity can be implemented to make it impossible or very difficult to find out the real author of a message. 
A common variant of anonymity is pseudonymity, where another name than the real author is shown. The pseudonym is sometimes kept very secret, sometimes the real name behind a pseudonym is openly known, such as Marc Twain as a pseudonym for Samuel Clemens or Ed McBain as a pseudonym for Evan Hunter , whose original name wasSalvatore A. Lombino . A person can even use multiple different pseudonyms for different kinds of communication. 
An advantage with a pseudonym, compared with complete anonymity, is that it is possible to recognize that different messages are written by the same author. Sometimes, it is also possible to write a letter to a pseudonym (without knowing the real person behind it) and get replies back. It is even possible to have long discourses between two pseudonyms, none of them knowing the real name behind the other's pseudonym. A disadvantage, for a person who wants to be anonymous, is that combining information in many messages from the same person may make it easier to find out who the real person is behind the pseudonym. 
A variant of pseudonymity is deception [Donath 1996], where a person intentionally tries to give the impression of being someone else, or of having different authority or expertise. 

Anonymity before the Internet

Anonymity is not something which was invented with the Internet. Anonymity and pseudonymity has occurred throughout history. For example, William Shakespeare is probably a pseudonym, and the real name of this famous author is not known and will probably never be known. 
Anonymity has been used for many purposes. 
A well-known person may use a pseudonym to write messages, where the person does not want people's preconception of the real author color their perception of the message.
Also other people may want to hide certain information about themselves in order to achieve a more unbiased evaluation of their messages. For example, in history it has been common that women used male pseudonyms, and for Jews to use pseudonyms in societies where their religion was persecuted. 
Anonymity is often used to protect the privacy of people, for example when reporting results of a scientific study, when describing individual cases. 
Many countries even have laws which protect anonymity in certain circumstances. Examples: 
A person may, in many countries, consult a priest, doctor or lawyer and reveal personal information which is protected. In some cases, for example confession in catholic churches, the confession booth is specially designed to allow people to consult a priest, without seeing him face to face. 
The anonymity in confessional situations is however not always 100 %. If a person tells a lawyer that he plans a serious crime, some countries allow or even require that the lawyer tell the police. The decision to do so is not easy, since people who tell a priest or a psychologist that they plan a serious crime, may often do this to express their feeling more than their real intention. 
Many countries have laws protecting the anonymity of tip-offs to newspapers. It is regarded as important that people can give tips to newspapers about abuse, even though they are dependent on the organization they are criticizing and do not dare reveal their real name. 
Advertisement in personal sections in newspapers are almost always signed by a pseudonym for obvious reasons. 

Is Anonymity Good or Bad?

In summary, anonymity and pseudonymity can be used for good and bad purposes. And anonymity can in may cases be desirable for one person and not desirable for another person. A company may, for example, not like an employee to divulge information about improper practices within the company, but society as a whole may find it important that such improper practices are publicly exposed. 
Good purposes of anonymity and pseudonymity: 
+ People dependent on an organization, or afraid of revenge, may divulge serious misuse, which should be revealed. Anonymous tips can be used as an information source by newspapers, as well as by police departments, soliciting tips aimed at catching criminals. Everyone will not regard such anonymous communication as good. For example, message boards established outside companies, but for employees of such companies to vent their opinions on their employer, have sometimes been used in ways that at least the companies themselves were not happy about [Abelson 2001]. Police use of anonymity is a complex issue, since the police often will want to know the identity of the tipper in order to get more information, evaluate the reliability or get the tipper as a witness. Is it ethical for police to identify the tipper if it has opened up an anonymous tipping hotline? 
+ People in a country with a repressive political regime may use anonymity (for example Internet-based anonymity servers in other countries) to avoid persecution for their political opinions. Note that even in democratic countries, some people claim, rightly or wrongly, that certain political opinions are persecuted. [Wallace 1999] gives an overview of uses of anonymity to protect political speech. Every country has a limit on which political opinions are allowed, and there are always people who want to express forbidden opinions, like racial agitation in most democratic countries. 
+ People may openly discuss personal stuff which would be embarrassing to tell many people about, such as sexual problems. Research shows that anonymous participants disclose significantly more information about themselves [Joinson 2001]. 
+ People may get more objective evaluation of their messages, by not showing their real name. 
+ People are more equal in anonymous discussions, factors like status, gender, etc., will not influence the evaluation of what they say. 
+ Pseudonymity can be used to experiment with role playing, for example a man posing as a woman in order to understand the feelings of people of different gender. 
+ Pseudonymity can be a tool for timid people to dare establish contacts which can be of value for them and others, e.g. through contact advertisements. 
There has always, however, also been a dark side of anonymity: 
 Anonymity can be used to protect a criminal performing many different crimes, for example slander, distribution of child pornography, illegal threats, racial agitation, fraud, intentional damage such as distribution of computer viruses, etc. The exact set of illegal acts varies from country to country, but most countries have many laws forbidding certain "informational" acts, everything from high treason to instigation of rebellion, etc., to swindling. 
 Anonymity can be used to seek contacts for performing illegal acts, like a pedophile searching for children to abuse or a swindler searching for people to rip off. 
 Even when the act is not illegal, anonymity can be used for offensive or disruptive communication. For example, some people use anonymity in order to say nasty things about other people. 
The border between illegal and legal but offensive use is not very sharp, and varies depending on the law in each country. 

Anonymity on the Internet

Even though anonymity and pseudonymity is not something new with the Internet, the net has increased the ease for a person to distribute anonymous and pseudonymous messages. Anonymity on the Internet is almost never 100 %, there is always a possibility to find the perpetrator, especially if the same person uses the same way to gain anonymity multiple times. 
In the simplest case, a person sends an e-mail or writes a Usenet news article using a falsified name. Most mail and news software allows the users to specify whichever name they prefer, and makes no check of the correct identity. Using web-based mail systems like Hotmail, it is even possible to receive replies and conduct discussions using a pseudonym. 
The security for the anonymous user is not very high in this case. The IP number (physical address) of the computer used is usually logged, often also the host name (logical name). Many people connect to the Internet using a temporary IP number assigned to them for a single session. But also such numbers are logged by the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and it is possible to find out who used a certain IP number at a certain time, provided that the ISP assists in the identification. There are also other well-known methods for breaking anonymity, for example elements can be included on a web page, which communicates information without knowledge of the person watching the web page. Some ISPs have a policy of always assisting such searches for the anonymous users. In this way they avoid tricky decisions on when to assist and not assist such searches. 

Computer Crime Identity Theft Laws

Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person or a small business for the purpose of assuming that person's or business' name or identity to make transactions or purchases, according to Investopedia. Identity theft occurs in many ways through the use of a computer and is among the fastest growing crimes in the United States, according to the Department of Justice.

Types of Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs in different forms, including but not limited to computer phishing, 419 scams (named after the Nigerian penal code), Internet auction fraud, magnetic strip skimming and credit card fraud. All identity theft is an attempt to steal personal information to access accounts or to open new accounts fraudulently, regardless of the approach.

Electronic Records Laws

It is a federal crime in the United States to access electronic records of another individual without express consent of the owner or executor of those accounts. This includes medical records, work-place personnel file records, mortgage or lease records, credit history, tax records, credit card and bank accounts. Most states offer further protections. In Texas, for example, it is a crime to knowingly access a computer, computer network or computer system without the owner’s consent, according to the Victims Initiative for Counseling, Advocacy and Restoration of the Southwest.


Forgery is the act of using another person's signature to obtain a benefit. Forgery can occur electronically with use of a computer. Identity thieves use another individual's personal information to open new accounts electronically. When identity thieves open new accounts, they commit forgery by electronically signing the acceptance and usage agreement.


Phishing is the use of legitimate-looking but fraudulent email messages to entice an individual to access an account online. The account holder is asked to click a link to access her account online. When she inputs her username and password, the information is transmitted to the identity thief. Most states have laws against phishing scams, and some come with stiff penalties. For instance, a criminal convicted of committing a phishing scam can be fined up to $100,000 per offense in Texas.


In the industrialized world computers are changing
everything: from education to health, from voting to
making friends or making war.
Developing countries can also fully participate in
cyberspace and make use of opportunities offered by
global networks.
We are living a technological and informational
It is therefore important for policy makers, leaders,
teachers, computer professionals and all social
thinkers to get involved in the social and ethical
impacts of this communication technology.

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